MMA Singlets
Boxing Gloves
Kid's Fightshorts
Kids MMA Singlets
Keychains and souvenirs
Boxing and Wrestling Shoes

MMA Singlets
Boxing Gloves
Kid's Fightshorts
Kids MMA Singlets
Keychains and souvenirs
Boxing and Wrestling Shoes
Your second skin
- Antibacterial fabric.
- Silicone belt.
- Reinforced triple seams.
- Author's design and fit.
- Resistant to rubbing (anti-abrassion) fabric.
Peresvit - born to win
Strive for excellence in every detail. Search and explore. Take responsibility for your decisions and actions. First the deed, then the word. Be reliable. Be open to the world and change. Smile more than frown.
Don't compromise on quality. In matters of faith and honor. Martial arts is more than just fighting. Business is more than just making money. Humanity is more important than success (even successful success). The path is the goal.
For Ukraine
For Ukraine
Coordination of assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and victims of russian war on the territory of Ukraine.
Ability to support and receive support. Information for Ukrainian refugees in different countries.
Ability to support and receive support. Information for Ukrainian refugees in different countries.